Moonlight beach to be upgraded soon

By TIN Media | Kelantan Published 5 years ago on 12 January 2020
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Grilled corn business areas in Penambang, Moonlight Beach (PCB) and Mek Mas Beach, which are among the focus areas near here, will be upgraded in the near future.
State Government, Housing and Health Exco, Dr Izani Husin, said the three locations would be turned on to better accommodate tourist arrivals in conjunction with the Kelantan Visit Year and Visit Malaysia Year 2020.

According to him, for example, a corn stall around the main road in Penambang to the PCB is now being traditionally undertaken by the locals to be more organized.
“The government intends to make a special building more comfortable and, if possible, boiled corn previously sold will be cooked using steam to enhance the cleanliness aspect.

"So far, it has been worked on by nine dealers and I plan to add three more sellers and educate them in a better way," he told the media yesterday.

In addition, he said, the PCB area would also be redeveloped with infrastructure, cheer and upgrading of cleanliness.

"We will also develop another recreation center on Kundor Island by decorating it using traditional concepts and complete infrastructure to attract visitors," he said.

He said the Kijang State Assembly (DUN) was no exception to the batik industry and cracker processing by locals for a long time that needed upgrading.

“This activity of the villagers is a great attraction for visitors from abroad and within the country to get a closer look.

"We will develop to attract more multi-party visits including improving the cracking process," he said.

He said the upgrades would not only benefit the tourism sector but would also directly improve the economy of the poor in the area.



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