Open University Malaysia (OUM) is Launching Its First Hybrid Hospitality School - ASEAN SCHOOL OF TOURISM jointly with DHS Hospitality Academy & ASIA Tourism Association

By TIN Media | Hospitality Published 2 years ago on 14 June 2022
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DHS Hospitality Academy, the premier hospitality academy in hospitality career placement had a discussion with Open University Malaysia on the launch of ASEAN SCHOOL OF TOURISM. The ASEAN School would be the first Hybrid school to offer the Career Certificate in Hospitality Operations and the Bachelors of Tourism Management brought forward by the Faculty of Business and Management. The meeting was held with Assoc Prof Dr Ahmad Izanee Awang President/Vice-Chancellor, Ms May Yeong the Head of International Partnership Unit and other members of Open University Malaysia.

The BTRM programme is designed to enhance learners’ understanding of the latest concepts, roles, principles and practices in the overall tourism policies and tourism issues and this program is also primarily fitting for individuals working within the tourism and hospitality industry that aims to progress in their career and opportunity. DHS would provide insights on the program management and also seek sponsors for individuals who are keen to pursue a bachelor while in employment through DHS LEARN & EARN program. DHS was represented by its Group Director who is also the President of ASIA Tourism Association and the ASEAN School of Tourism would be launched before the mid of July 2022. 


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