Overcharged tourists to get free hotel stays and discounts in Melaka

By TIN Media | Malacca Published 5 years ago on 19 December 2019
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For the families who’re shortchanged by unregulated accommodation during the Yuletide season are going to get free hotel stays and discounts, offered by a tourism body.

Dennis Samford, Melaka Tourism Business Club (MTBC) vice-chairman said so far two families from Selangor had been offered a free stay at Shah Beach Resort after they planned to cancel their trips to Melaka due to “crazy” rates charged by unlicensed hotels during the December peak period. The affected families had to pay RM400 to RM450 per night for their stay, causing a strain on their wallet.

MTBC believes that other than the two families, many too have been duped by these illegal operators.

He said “Rates charged by unregulated accommodation have shot up sharply. Those who booked in November are now paying triple the price without being given a valid reason for the sudden increase,”.

“It’s difficult for us to lodge a formal complaint with the relevant authorities as those booking such accommodations have no receipts to show in the event of a dispute or made reservations through agents,” he said.

Samford said MTBC was also working with various hotels to give discounts to those charged exorbitantly  by these operators.

He added “We will attend to the complaints made to us by offering them solutions to continue holidaying in Melaka,”,

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