Panel discussion by World Tourism Network on "Malaysia Tourism: What is next?"

By TIN Media | Featured Articles Published 4 years ago on 31 December 2020
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Yesterday a panel discussion was held by the World tourism network on "Malaysia Tourism: What is next?" on 30th December where the panelist discussed the next way forward on the tourism industry in Malaysia. 

The panelist present at the discussion were Zakaria Mohmd Nani "Deputy director strategic planning-Tourism Malaysia",  Presanth Chandra "Co-founder and CEO of TIN Media Group", Jane Rai "Tour Guide, Founder of Free Walk Kuala Lumpur Unscripted & Kuala Lumpur Heritage Walks", Sook Ling Yap "Managing Director at Asian Overland Services Travel &Tour",Sahaharuddin M Saaid "Executive director at Malaysian Association of Hotel Owners", Badaruddin Mohamed "Professor in Tourism and founder ar tourism research circle". 

Zakaria speaking on the topic said " Tourism Malaysia adopted various measures to stimulate and revive the tourism industry in order to counter the impact of Covid-19 outbreak and tourism Malaysia implemented the ways which include restoring tourist confidence to travel, to revive domestic tourism and maximise the resources. 

He added "We have revived our inventory, we have loads of new products waiting for us such as the eco, agro, theme park, the cultural heritage park and things like that. Talking about a product like the agro-tourism, they are the pioneers in the region to come up with such a product. So creativity and innovation are there. But now, with covid, we have to market digitally and the hybrid method. People can go online and participate. If I can say a little bit about our strategy, the challenges we are facing now, the ministry has identified various strategies of recovering plan to recalibrate the country’s tourism and culture industry." 

One is to boost domestic tourism such as offering personalised and creative packages through online travel fairs and promote the hidden gems in our country as a tourist site.  The importance of going digital is especially felt as the result of movement restrictions so most people turn to online platforms for the latest news about the outbreak and to stay in touch with the loved ones and be productive at work. 

Presanth Chandra, Co-Founder of TIN Media Group said "the gap in tourism Malaysia industry was prelevent and hence TIN Media came into existence for a better future in digital media. After the pandemic, we realized the importance of digitalisation. I noticed the tourism industry was always laid back in adopting new technology and digitalisation- majorly the tourism operators and they struggled to go online and suddenly after the pandemic, we could see that a huge part of the industry is changing and putting themselves into new digital space, which seems to be a positive thing as they're welcoming change and valuing the importance of going digital. 

He added "Keeping pandemic in mind, Virtualive- Digital Events Platform came into existence where virtual conference, tradeshows, and virtual fairs can be conducted with numerous people along with extensive digital infrastructure. He said, "Hybrid events are the future of the events industry so it's better to adopt the change as it comes."

Rudolf Herrmann "WTN tourism head- Malaysia Chapter" moderated the entire session smoothly and a lot of important aspect on developing and restructuring the tourism segment of Malaysia were discussed, making the entire session high- yielding and productive.


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