Putrajaya is all set to get a third mosque

By TIN Media | Selangor Published 4 years ago on 11 May 2020
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Putrajaya is all set to get a third mosque as the population in the area is expected to increase from the current 120,000 to 300,000 in five years’ time, said Federal Territories Minister Tan Sri Annuar Musa.

He said that the 14th district is identified for the location of the third mosque and that they are considering building it based on the concept of ‘Al-Quran’.

"To empower the Islamic culture and knowledge of Al-Quran, particularly among foreign tourists, we also plan to develop a Quran Village at the same location," said he, following the launch of Al-Quran al-Karim Mushaf Putrajaya.

He said the ministry also intended to encourage more people to purchase properties at Putrajaya, chich currently has two mosques namely Mosque Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin and Putra Mosque.

Annuar said the total cost for the whole project was RM2 million, with RM1 million coming from the ministry and the remainder being contributions from various parties.


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