TIN Talk Show - Regional Tourism Collaborative Opportunities post-COVID-19 for MALAYSIA & INDONESIA
TIN Media's virtual talk show for an exclusive and interactive session with Hon. Dato' Sri Nancy Shukri, Minister of Tourism, Art and Culture, Malaysia, for an exclusive discussion on Regional Tourism Collaborative Opportunities post-COVID-19.
Also, Ms. Nia Niscaya, Deputy Minister for Marketing, Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy Agency- Republic of Indonesia will be Joining the panel and gracing us with a lot of informative content.
The Digital Transformation series 6.0
REset REstart REcover Tourism.
Regional Tourism Collaborative Opportunities post-COVID-19 for MALAYSIA & INDONESIA.
Guests: 1.Hon. Dato' Sri Nancy Shukri-
Minister of Tourism, Art and Culture (Malaysia)
2. Ms. Nia Niscaya,
Deputy Minister for Marketing, Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy Agency (Republic of Indonesia).
3. Presanth Chandra,
Co-Founder TIN MEDIA (Moderator)